FB Nation- A slew of homebound web warriors are using their time to shame those who have fallen for the popular avatar app with out taking necessary precautions like adding suggested PPE to their likenesses. “Most of the people don’t even look like their avatars anyway, they might as well cover them up with an N95!” cried a commenter with the handle SneezinurElbow. “People who refuse to cover their face online are just selfish cowards who refuse to keep up the good fight”, said another triggered net ninja. Those who sit on their sofa with their laptop always in reach and their home made mask strapped to their ears are apparently the new heroes. Some have gone as far as to request new options from the apps creator that would include masks of different types, face shields, gloves, and hazmat suites. Karen Mussenfuss of Missoula Montana who lives 14 miles from the nearest human and refuses to venture outside posted, “If my computer gets the virus, my avatar will be safe and all of my FaceBook friends will be safe as well during these challenging times.”
- DuringThese Challenging Times is a trademark copyrighted by the DNC. (Yeah they got it first.)