Hollywood, CA – With the release of Zack Snyder’s latest film “Rebel Moon,” the 57 Year old Director has finally proven that he has the talent and ability to destroy a movie without the assistance of studio meddling or an existing difficult fan base. “We’ve long wondered if Zack could ruin a movie completely on his own,” said Sam Wilson, a Hollywood film analyst. “When ‘Justice League sucked so hard, you couldn’t blame him, since they brought Joss Whedon, and the whole thing was just such a mess. I mean, even with the “Snyder cut” it was hard to make heads or tails of how much was the result of studio interference, or just a lack of talent on the director’s part.”
This isn’t an isolated incident either. Wilson continued by pointing out “On the other hand, when you look back at ‘Watchmen,’ it’s easy to say that obsessed fan backlash caused the film’s poor reception. But when you think about it, the fans didn’t force Snyder to toss in the giant blue dong. That was 100% Zack.