Los Angeles – Eight weeks after Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued orders to begin reopening the economy of his state, California is seeing it’s greatest rise in Covid-19 diagnosis. “This is a human rights catastrophe,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom, who then flashed his charming smile and gave us a wink that melted our hearts. “Greg Abbott’s absolute disregard for this pandemic has now cost Californians their lives. We cannot stand for such science denial in this country of ours.”
In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo supported Newsom’s Position. “Greg Abbott was playing politics with this virus, and it has cost countless lives in the hellscape that is Texas. Texas has seen an unheard of two thousand and three hundred deaths! You can see how unbelievably bad he has handled the situation when you compare that to the mere twenty-four thousand deaths that we have heroically overcome here in New York. Unbiased CNN reporter Chris Cuomo added, “Great Job Mr. Governor, you’re an amazing leader!” as he fist bumped his brother and the two embraced.