Dripping Springs, Kansas- A research grant was given last year to a group of doctoral candidates at the Southern University of Central Kansas to conduct an exhaustive double-blind study to try and find out what snot smells like. Expert professional sniffers were brought in from around the world while 1,200 college students reported with runny noses to have their mucus, well… smelled. Another 1,200 presumedly healthy students represented the control group. SUCK is a small liberal arts college in rural Kansas in the southeast section of north central Kansas. Results of the study were inconclusive though many of the control group reportedly had RBF or Resting Bitch Face which could have thrown the findings off. Student researchers said the study had a margin of error around plus or minus 50%. The study’s findings were not published in any medical journals though they were recounted on the institution’s online magazine The SUCK Press.